In 1980 Bruce Friedman
and Jack Olive founded the firm Friedman & Olive. Donald McCubbin came
aboard in 1991, and over the next five years Philip Spalding, Keith
Bilter, Michael Roosevelt and George Montgomery arrived. On January 1,
2016, we reorganized as Friedman McCubbin Law Group LLP. Our firm
represents the mergers of the following firms and practices:
* Friedman, McCubbin, Spalding, Bilter, Roosevelt & Montgomery APC
* Maltzman Gould
* Law Offices of Thomas B. Worth
* Brandi Chavin (of the firm Feurzeig, Mark & Chavin, which wound up
business as of December 31, 2015)
The lawyers of Friedman McCubbin Law Group LLP concentrate their
practices in the areas of estate planning, the administration of trusts
and estates, and tax law relating to those practice areas. |